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ArduinoTutorial by Manmohan Pal

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Control Multiple Seven segment Displays using Shift Register 74HC595 by Manmohan Pal

 In this video I will show you how to control seven segment digits using 3 pins on Arduino, Using Shift Register 74595 we can do so easily, Beauty of using this IC is ,we can use Multiple Display using the same 3 Pins of Arduino, hope you will enjoy learning about this IC.

Video Part 1: Video Part 2:

Circuit Diagram: Code Link:

Recently these PCB's are Designed by me to control 6 Seven segment Digits using NodeMcu ESP8266,
These PCB's have capabilities to control 3.5 volt to 12 volt or Higher volt Seven Segment digits, Small Midium and Large size Seven segment can be attached on this pcb, and as the NodeMcu have Wifi capibilities, thus we can make internet clock using this PCB,

BUY This PCB @ Rs. 499/-
Order Us On WhatsApp +91 8989811397

Advantages of This PCB

1) Supports 12 vot / 9 volt / 5 volt input
2) 12 volt / 9 volt / 3 volt Seven Segment Displays can be controlled
3) 0.5 inch/ 1 inch/ 1.5 inch Seven segment displays can be mounted on same PCB
4) supports Common Anode as well as Common Cathode seven segment displays
5) we can extend /add next PCB for operating next 6 digits
6) have facility to Add LDR to control brightness of Seven Segment Digits with Ambient Light
7) As it have IR Receiver slot thus we can give multiple input using different Remotes
8) As it have Shift Register 74595 it have practically unlimited output pins
9) same PCB can be used for Home automation as it have Wifi, IR remote and Unlimited OUTPUT Pins
10) Can be used to make Automatic Staircase lights by connecting 2 IR proximity Sensors upto 42 stairs
12) Can be used to make large Score board for stadium or Studios
13) PCB have facility to add Temp. Sensor thus can display same of Seven Segments
14) have 6 digits thus we can make small or huge stop Watch using this PCB.
15) I will make Huge RGB seven Segment Digits and control them using same PCB

Finally this PCB supports
NodeMCU +Shift Registers 74595 + IR Reciever TSop1738
Power of Internet/ Wifi / IOT (ESP8266)
Practically Unlimited Output Pins (IC 74HC595)
Practically Unlimited IR Remote  inputs (TSOP 1738)


Six Digit Internet Clock DIY kit

BUY Complete DIY kit NOW @ Rs. 2100/-
Complete DIY kit for 6 digit Internet clock are available with me, if you want to buy, You can order me on WhatsApp on +91 8989811397, This kit also contains outer casing for the circuit.
Order Us On WhatsApp +91 8989811397

List of Components in kit.
1. Node MCU82666 (Preloaded)
2. Seven Segment Displays x 6
3. IC 74HC595 x 6
4. Resistors 100 Ohm x 42
5. Resistors 220 Ohm x 2
6. LED 5 mm x 4
7. Push Button x 3
8. On Off Switch x1
9. Li ion Battery 3.7 Volt x1
10. TP4056 Charging Module x1
11. Micro USB Power Socket x1
12. Buzzer x1
13. NPN Transistor BC547x1
14. IR Receiver TSOP 1738 x1
15. IR Remote Handset x1
16. Fabricated PCB x1
17. Female Pin Header x1
18. Outer Body Casing (Housing)

Functions supported

1) 6 digit time Display
2) 24hr / 12 Hr Mode
3) Set Alarm Functions
4) DATE display
5) IR Remote Control
6) Brightness Adjust (Vol + & Vol-)
7) Hourly beep function
8) Mute function
9) Time Update (Signal Button )
10) Power ON off using Remote
11) Internet Clock (No need to SET time)

As we are using Shift Register IC's we can add next 6 digit to the project, With the little changes in programming we can make much information display on the board,

Code Download

Other Videos of this Play list Control Multiple 7 Segments with Arduino and Shift Register 74HC595 Large Seven Segment LED Wall Clock Add more output pins to Arduino using Shift Register IC 74595 Six digit Seven segment Internet clock using Nodemcu

Make 4 Digit RGB seven Segment


4 Digit Internet Clock Common Anode RGB segments

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